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Visit Scotland | Alba

We’re developing a new Business Support Hub with tailored advice to help businesses operate, improve and grow. The first version of the website (our beta website) is now available to view and feedback on. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

A world first!

Scotland is home to 15 UNESCO designated sites. These are recognised for their internationally-significant cultural or natural heritage value.

UNESCO sites include awe-inspiring natural landscapes, historic sites, vibrant cities, and stunning architecture.

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail, launched in October 2021, is the world’s first ever national UNESCO trail. It brings together the country’s full range of UNESCO place-based designations.

These include World Heritage Sites, Global Geoparks, Biospheres and Creative Cities. The digital trail also promotes responsible tourism.

This digital toolkit will give you more information about the Trail and how your business can get involved.

1. What is Scotland’s UNESCO Trail?

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail is a digital trail. It connects 15 place-based UNESCO designations across Scotland.

It has won three awards for excellence in sustainable tourism:

  • Wanderlust Sustainability Award ​(UK)
  • Fondazione Santagata Award 2022 for sustainable development projects ​(Italy)
  • Tour Mag Responsible Travel Award "Césars du Voyage Responsable" (France)

The interactive trail map on details each UNESCO designated site.

Browse the UNESCO Trail on


The creation of the trail comes through a special and global-first partnership, bringing together:

  • designation representatives of the 15 UNESCO Sites
  • Edinburgh World Heritage
  • Historic Environment Scotland
  • NatureScot
  • National Trust for Scotland
  • Scottish Government
  • UK National Commission for UNESCO
  • VisitScotland

View our promotional video for the trail

Browse our in-depth look at the UNESCO sites

2. UNESCO designated sites in Scotland

The creation of Scotland’s UNESCO Trail allows us to tell the story of Scotland in a new way. It is innovative, exciting and most importantly responsible.

The trail aligns with UNESCO’s values of peace, education, and sustainability, as well as Scotland’s focus on responsible tourism.

It presents Scotland in an exceptional way to new audiences by celebrating the past, present and future through the 15 designations.

The UNESCO "badge" is globally-recognised as shorthand for high-quality. It demonstrates that a place, item, or location is unique and of global significance and interest.


Biospheres improve the relationship between people and their local environment, globally. They are sites recognised by UNESCO that find creative ways for people and nature to thrive together. They are also testing grounds for innovative approaches to sustainably managing ecosystems.

Global Geoparks

UNESCO's Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas of geological significance. They're managed through a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.

Both of Scotland’s geoparks have internationally-significant geology. They are community-led partnerships that promote an appreciation of natural and cultural heritage. They also support local sustainable economic development through geological and eco-tourism.

World Heritage Sites

These sites tell the fascinating story of Scotland’s contribution to the world. They show the development of human history through art, architecture, religion, industry, and more. These sites belong to everyone, and it is everyone’s duty to protect them for future generations.

Creative cities

Scotland has four of these, each with a unique perspective, economy, and culture. UNESCO places creativity and cultural industries at the core of their urban development. This is to make their cities safe, resilient, inclusive, and sustainable.

3. How can my business benefit from UNESCO?

  • Be listed on

    A listing helps you to connect with visitors across the world and is free for all types of tourism businesses.

    The website has 23 million visits per year and is translated into five languages. By showcasing your business through a web listing, you can let visitors know that you are open and ready to welcome them.

    Sign up here for a free web listing for tourism businesses.

    Use our tour management system for tour operators.

  • Get Green Tourism accredited

    For promotion alongside Scotland’s UNESCO Trail activity, you must be Green Tourism accredited. This means that you align with UNESCO values and responsible tourism.

    Run by Green Tourism UK, this well-recognised award is an important part of Scotland’s future as a sustainable tourism destination.

    Visitors seek sustainable options when planning their holiday. So, joining this scheme is worthwhile for all businesses.

    The Green Tourism logo will appear on your VisitScotland web listing, and visitors will be able to search and filter for your business.

    Becoming a Green Tourism business is a great way of reducing not only your carbon footprint, but also utility, water, and waste bills.

    Find out more about the Green Tourism scheme on

    Explore how your business can benefit from responsible tourism practices.

  • Read up on UNESCO

    Familiarise yourself with the story of your local UNESCO sites, so you can share this information with visitors. You can make use of our content on to find some useful information about UNESCO and Scotland's UNESCO Trail.

    Browse the UNESCO Trail on

  • Use our promotional material

    You can use UNESCO Trail imagery from our Media Toolkit for use in your own promotions. Register for free, then search UNESCO Trail.

    You can also consider featuring local UNESCO designation(s) in your promotional materials, such as your website, e-newsletters, or social media channels.

    Feel free to link to relevant sections of our UNESCO Trail pages on to help your visitors find out more.

    Browse the UNESCO Trail on

    View our Media Toolkit.

4. Useful resources on responsible tourism

The following provide more information on UNESCO, responsible tourism, and Scotland’s green ambition.

Related links