This will assess the information provision to allow a logical and natural progression throughout the experience. Elements considered:
Ease of understanding the best route around the activity site.
Frequency of orientation information provision, e.g. is information provided at all key areas.
Methods used to deliver orientation information.
Visitor flow management
This will assess the ease of travel through the main areas of the experience. Elements considered:
Ease of access throughout and managing any likely congested areas.
Provision in place to allow visitors viewpoint (where applicable).
Appropriateness of venue for the chosen activity and surrounding activities.
This will assess the consideration given to ensure accessibility of the experience for their entire target audience. Elements considered:
The measures and tools in place to assist different visitor types.
What the activity centre or provider does to ensure the experience is accessible to differing needs, ages, interests of groups etc. e.g. children, visitors with mobility difficulties etc.
This will assess the level of information on activity instruction and how it is presented. Elements considered:
Appearance of staff
This will assess the appearance and smartness of staff, how identifiable staff are and how they enhance the image of the company through the wearing of a uniform. Elements considered:
Quality and condition all of staff clothing and presentation of staff.
Consistency of uniforms worn, including, where appropriate, methods of personal identification, throughout all stages of the activity.
This will assess the quality and condition of all signage and materials. Elements considered:
Décor / Maintenance
This will assess the quality and condition of décor and maintenance of all elements comprising the core area of the activity centre. Elements considered:
Windows, doors, walls, flooring and fixtures and fittings.
Heating, lighting and ventilation fitments and the appropriate provision of these elements.
This will assess the quality and condition of the equipment and the range provided to meet the activity requirements. Elements considered:
Provision of equipment to meet visitor demand at all times.
Evidence of regular maintenance of equipment.
Quality and condition of storage areas that are accessible to visitors.
Changing rooms
This will assess the provision and location of changing rooms to meet the requirements of the entire visitor mix. Elements considered: